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I would say that the narration is the best aspect of this book, and unfortunately, the only original and fun part of it all. Ich bin zufrieden in meiner Nische.
I am happy in my niche. Go to regular site mypepita. Denn mir ist eine gute Auswahl wichtiger als hübsche Dosen. Wie den neuen Keller auszumessen.
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But it is horrible, I don't know how anyone can live with themselves submitting such a piece of garbage for sale. Misspellings, incomplete sentences, sentences that don't make any sense. Its like the person does not even speak English. I bet the facts are not even accurate. I want my money back. I got this as a gift. A waste of time and money. More to my liking: The Whiskies of Scotland: Encounters of a Connoisseur by Michael Jackson Author and Harry Cory Wright Photographer. I am a high school teacher, and I imagine it to be similar to something a student would have quickly put together based on research found online. Unfortunately, I did not hear anything that was interesting enough to be used as an example. It does, however contain all the basic, factual information one would expect when learning about a mypepita. Personally, I would have organized the information differently. I would have grouped together some of the above topics, rather than how they were introduced to the reader. The text seems to go back and forth with information. For example, I would not have placed info about the largest city and population at the very end. Instead, I would have put it at the beginning when the location and capital were introduced so that the reader can get an idea of the size of the country before learning about sports and traditional foods. It is just personal preference, though, and others may feel the organization was fine. Narration: I noticed that on Amazon the reviews for the ebook are poor. People state that the book is filled with grammar and spelling errors. If that is true, then I have to assume the narration by Mike Norgaard saved this audiobook. I have not read the ebook or print book. I have only listened to the audiobook. Unless the book has been edited for the large amount mypepita mistakes, I have to assume that while Narrator Mike Norgaard was reading, he was also correcting the grammar mistakes as he went. I did not hear anything grammatically incorrect mypepita took away from the text, whatsoever. However, everything else was right on. He was easy to understand mypepita was not dull or dry, as some of the information presented was. I would say that the narration is the best aspect of this book, and unfortunately, the only original and fun part of it all. Overall, I gave this audiobook a 3. There wasn't any new and exciting information that couldn't be found by searching online, but it did include a few pieces of info that I didn't know before. Mypepita them something mypepita look at as they listen, helps them understand the information better, and makes things much more interesting. I see that some of mypepita other books in the Travel the World Series by Kid Kongo are 20-30 minutes, so maybe I will give one of them a try in hopes that it is not just fact driven. I do, however, plan to listen to more books narrated by Mike Norgaard. I'm interested in hearing more from him. Thank you so much for reading my mypepita.
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